Hi there 👋, and welcome to the Lumos public roadmap! Modern technology companies use Lumos as a suite of products to manage all their vendors, apps and access in one platform. In this roadmap, you can find a list of features that we are planning to launch, and when they’ll be available. As of August 13, 2024 , this roadmap has also been updated to reflect what was released in H1 of this year, and our most up-to-date plans for H2!

Feature Status


Period Start Date End Date
H1 February 1, 2024 July 31, 2024
H2 August 1, 2024 January 31, 2025

<aside> 📐 Table of Contents



Feature H2 Status
Configure multiple re-orderable steps as part of provisioning app or permission access. ✅ Available Now
Configure Lumos in code to programmatically review changes, manage complex configurations, and revert to previous settings for enhanced control. ✅ Available Now
Create a more seamless access request and authentication process for developers requesting cloud resources within Lumos ✅ Available Now
Define multi-step deprovisioning workflows that will run when users time-based access expires. GA
Support for Add to App (IdP), Remove from Group, Create Account actions in the AppStore, as well as the ability to wait for an employee to sign in for JIT access GA
Present text descriptions to end users, providing the necessary context for users to know what they are requesting or approving. Early Access
Task & Notification Improvements
Upgrade the task center to display current and past tasks for both admins & end users, providing an overview of all access requests. Early Access
Inactive Approver & App Admin Notifications
Send a notification to Lumos admins if there are terminated employees and/or inactive groups set as approvers or app admins. Early Access
Account Creation Workflows
Configure advanced, multi-step workflows to create accounts in any application, including mapping from Identity or HRIS data to required field values. Early Access
Requests for Removal
Allow users to self service requests for removal Early Access
Permission Packages
Bundle together permissions to create common requestable packages for end users to request in one go. In Development
AI-Enhanced Search
Dramatically improve app and permission discovery in Lumos by enabling searches for competitors, tags, or access similar to peers. In Development
Natural Language Access Requests
Describe access needs in natural language, and let Lumos recommend the most appropriate permissions. In Consideration
Microsoft Teams Support
Integrate with Microsoft Teams and customize notifications more granularly. In Consideration
Reusable AppStore Policies
Manage your approval, escalation, ITSM logging policies at scale by leveraging app/permission labelling and custom attributes. In Consideration
ServiceNow / Freshservice Requests
Initiate access requests from ServiceNow / Freshservice, making Lumos a “headless” engine to automate approval & provisioning. In Consideration
Segregation of Duties
Identify and flag prohibited or risky permission combinations during access requests to prevent security and compliance issues. In Consideration
Vendors x AppStore Integration
Integrate your license data with the AppStore, surfacing license costs to your approvers. In Consideration

Access Reviews

Feature H2 Status
Integrate AppStore with Access Reviews, displaying request history to easily identify and manage unapproved access. ✅ Available Now
Detect differences from the last access review, including new entitlements, accounts, and roles, for better oversight. ✅ Available Now
Categorize users and accounts with labels like privileged, service, and guest for focused and efficient access review processes. ✅ Available Now
Lumos to auto-detect role anomalies enhancing reviewer decision-making. ✅ Available Now
Implement a layered review process, allowing multiple reviewers to evaluate access permissions at different stages for more scrutiny. GA
Role and Group Reviews
Extend reviews to groups and roles (not just users), examining the entitlements they grant to ensure proper access control. GA
Permission Descriptions
Present detailed text descriptions of permissions to reviewers, providing the necessary context for them to understand and evaluate the access they are reviewing. GA
Service Account Reviews
Systematically review and manage access for non-human identities, such as service accounts, on a regular schedule. GA
User Self-Reviews
Enable users to self-review their access permissions regularly. In Consideration
Role-Change Triggered Reviews
Automatically initiate an access review when a role change occurs, allowing new managers to adjust employee access accordingly. In Consideration
Access Reviews Policies
Implement policies for automatic approval or denial of certain accounts, like birthright accounts, speeding up the review process. In Consideration
SOD Policy Suggestions
Lumos to provide pre-defined SOD rules and policies, identifying risky permission combinations effectively. In Consideration
Access Review AI Risk Scoring
Lumos to auto-detect high risk access and provide actionable suggestions, enhancing reviewer decision-making. In Consideration
Enhanced Role Modification in Access Review
Reviewers can modify user permissions through a comprehensive dropdown menu, assigning new downgraded permissions not previously held by the user. In Consideration

Employee Lifecycle

Feature H2 Status
Stage ****onboardings and/or offboardings to run at a specified time in the future. ✅ Available Now
Suspend Users in Lumos for Offboarding
Revoke users’s access to Lumos when running an offboarding. ✅ Available Now
Leverage custom attributes (e.g. office location, employee type) to construct birthright rules. ✅ Available Now
Configure policies to automate on-/offboarding workflows triggered by start/end dates or specific attributes within your HRIS. ✅ Available Now
Gain a complete overview of future, current & past on-/offboarding activities across the company with breakglass capabilities. ✅ Available Now
Configure “dynamic” fields such as transferring data to a manager, and run webhooks as part of your offboarding workflows. GA
Configure notifications and workflows that will trigger upon “mover” events, such as employees changing roles. Early Access
Audit-Friendly Logs
Easily view the events that have occurred in Lumos for specific joiner, mover, and leaver events. Early Access
AI-based Role Management
Deploy an AI agent capable of proposing role adjustments, additions, and deletions, facilitating scalable RBAC management. In Development
Trigger On-/Offboarding Off Employee’s Local Time Zone
Kick off onboardings or offboardings to run a particular time based on the employee’s timezone custom attribute. In Development
Manager-Led Onboarding
Bring managers from your organization into onboarding, so that they can configure onboarding policies, oversee onboardings for their reports, & request additional access when needed. In Consideration
Contractor Onboarding Forms
Introduce flexible forms designed for onboarding contractors, supporting multi-step queries to add them to the right roles. In Consideration
Onboarding Roles
Create Roles that can be assigned ad-hoc or requested via the AppStore. In Consideration

Vendor Management